AddUp Group, a metal 3D printing machine manufacturer and producer of parts by metal additive manufacturing, has partnered with PostProcess to advance the metal 3D printing sector and bring streamlined processes to additive users. Founded in 2016 as the result of a partnership between two established companies, Michelin and Fives, AddUp offers a catalogue of multi-technology production systems and on-demand part manufacturing. The alliance with PostProcess brings advanced post-print technology both in-house and to their users with software-driven, scalable surface finishing.

PostProcess and AddUp share the vision that AM will not scale sustainably unless the entire process flow from design to finished part is digitized and automated. This requires industry collaboration among the ecosystem players. With this partnership AddUp and PostProcess lay the foundation for scaling affordably and safely the manufacturing of AM parts by not only reducing the cost of post-printing, but also improving safety and traceability through digitization and automation. Joint work has started with an initial focus on parts printed by AddUp for the Aerospace, Fashion, Energy, Automotive, and Medical industries, and post printed with the PostProcess® DECI Duo™ automated metal surface finishing solution. To drive efficiencies in their own manufacturing endeavors and support best their customers locally, AddUp will also implement the DECI Duo solution in two of its facilities in France and USA.
PostProcess is the leader in automated and intelligent post-printing solutions for 3D printed parts. Founded in 2014 and headquartered in Buffalo, NY, USA, with international operations in Mougins, France, PostProcess removes the bottleneck in the third step of 3D printing – post-printing – through patent-pending software, hardware, and chemistry technologies. The company’s solutions automate industrial 3D printing’s most common post-printing processes with a software-based approach, including support, resin, and powder removal, as well as surface finishing, resulting in “customer-ready” 3D printed parts. Additionally, as an innovator of software-based 3D post-printing, PostProcess solutions will enable the full digitization of AM through the post-print step for the Industry 4.0 factory floor. The PostProcess portfolio has been proven across all major industrial 3D printing technologies and is in use daily in every imaginable manufacturing sector.
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