AddUp’s expertise lies in two additive technologies: Powder Bed Fusion (PBF), ideal for the manufacture of metal parts with complex geometries and improved performance and Directed Energy Deposition (DED), which is ideal for the repair of parts and adding function. AddUp is not only a manufacturer of 3D printing machines, but also a producer of industrial metal additively manufactured parts. To manufacture a part with PBF technology, it is not enough to design it in CAD and print it in a machine. The post-processing of the part is crucial. Therefore, AddUp looked to the ECM Group to combine experience and knowledge to develop a high value-added solution for this essential step in the AM process.

The ECM Group provides a global customer base with high quality vacuum furnace systems, advanced automation (including robotics), services, and R&D testing with experienced engineering, advanced manufacturing, and installation expertise for a diverse range of heat treat industries, including (but not limited to): aerospace, automotive, medical, e-mobility, renewable energies, semiconductors, and advanced crystal growth. Our dedicated product lines range from bench-top and stand-alone R&D lab furnaces to high production vacuum furnace systems for a wide scope of heat treat application processes:
- Brazing, Sintering, Carburizing & Carbonitriding
- LPC for automotive transmissions (ICE and EV)
- Additive Manufacturing (Debind, Sintering, Stress Relieving & Annealing)
- Vapor Phase Aluminization/Aluminizing (VPA/VPC/FIC)
- Vacuum Induction Melting/Vacuum Arc Remelting (VIM/VAR) & Tempering
- Vacuum Purged Gas Nitriding (VPGN) & Ferritic Nitrocarburizing (VP-FNC)
- Deposition, Photovoltaic & Crystal Growth
- Rapid Thermal Processing & Annealing
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