Learn why certifications in the manufacturing industry, and specifically additive manufacturing, are important. AddUp has a strong focus on quality and believe our certifications enhance our reputation and credibility, and important aspect to earning the trust of our customers.

Author: Mark Huffman, Aerospace and Defense , AddUp

Promoting Safety

Safety is paramount in any industry, and manufacturing is no exception. Certifications help manufacturers ensure that their processes and products meet rigorous safety standards. In AM, certifications provide assurance that the production methods, materials, and equipment used adhere to safety protocols. By complying with safety certifications, manufacturers can mitigate risks associated with potential hazards, such as material integrity, structural strength, and part failure.

Ensuring Quality and Reliability

Certifications act as a benchmark for quality and reliability in the manufacturing industry. They establish standards and best practices that manufacturers must adhere to, ensuring that products meet specific requirements. For AM, certifications are crucial in maintaining consistent and predictable outcomes due to the unique nature of the technology. With certifications, manufacturers can demonstrate their ability to produce reliable and high-quality parts, fostering trust among clients and consumers.

Compliance with Regulations

Certifications in the manufacturing industry, including AM, often involve compliance with specific regulations and standards set by governing bodies. These regulations encompass various aspects, such as material properties, process control, and environmental impact. Adhering to certifications ensures that manufacturers operate within legal frameworks, avoiding penalties and liabilities. Additionally, certifications help manufacturers stay up to date with evolving regulations, contributing to the overall compliance and sustainability of the industry.

Enhancing Market Competitiveness

Manufacturers can gain a significant competitive advantage through certifications in the manufacturing industry. They demonstrate a manufacturer’s commitment to quality, safety, and compliance, distinguishing them from competitors who lack the same certifications. In an increasingly competitive market, certified manufacturers have an edge when attracting clients, securing partnerships, and bidding on projects. Certifications also serve as a marketing tool, assuring potential customers of a manufacturer’s capability to deliver superior products and services.

Driving Innovation and Advancement

Manufacturers are continuously encouraged to improve their processes and technologies. In the case of AM, certifications push for research and development in areas such as material science, process optimization, and design guidelines. By setting stringent criteria for certification, manufacturers are motivated to innovate and refine their practices. This drive for innovation not only benefits the individual companies but also contributes to the overall advancement of the manufacturing industry.

Environmental Responsibility and Sustainability

Environmental stewardship is becoming increasingly important in the manufacturing industry, including AM. Manufacturers using AM technology including OEMs are encouraged to adhere to environmental management standards and practices, reducing their environmental impact and promoting sustainability.

AddUp’s Certification Focus

AddUp operates with a strong focus on quality, efficiency and customer-centricity. AddUp’s processes and systems have been reviewed and validated for compliance to applicable ISO standards. This means that independent third parties have qualified AddUp’s systems and processes in accordance with the defined requirements. We believe our certifications enhance our reputation and credibility, an important aspect to earning the trust of our customers.

The certifications of ISO 9001, ISO 13485, International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), and Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) play a significant role in assisting AddUp in making Proof of Concept (POC) parts for customers to demonstrate the capabilities of FormUp 350 LPBF technology. Here’s how each certification can contribute to a successful deployment of the technology:

ISO 9001:

ISO 9001 certification showcases the AddUp’s commitment to quality management principles and customer satisfaction. When producing POC parts, this certification assures potential buyers that AddUp’s LPBF technology follows robust quality control processes, resulting in consistent and reliable outcomes. It indicates that AddUp has implemented effective quality management systems, enabling them to meet specific requirements and deliver high-quality parts that showcase the capabilities of AddUp’s LPBF technology.

ISO 13485:

By holding ISO 13485 certification, AddUp demonstrates its adherence to stringent quality management systems specifically tailored for the medical device industry. When producing POC parts for potential buyers in the healthcare sector, this certification instills confidence in AddUp’s ability to meet regulatory requirements, ensure traceability, and deliver reliable and safe medical devices. It provides assurance that AddUp’s LPBF technology can be used for manufacturing medical devices with consistent quality, meeting the unique demands of the healthcare industry.

ISO 14001:

Also known as the Environmental Management System (EMS) certification, ISO 14001 focuses on environmental responsibility and sustainability. By obtaining ISO 14001 certification, AddUp demonstrates a commitment to environmental responsibility and ecologically friendly manufacturing practices. This certification ensures that AddUp’s technology operates in an environmentally conscious manner, reducing the impact on the ecosystem, complying with environmental regulations, and promoting resource efficiency and waste management. By integrating environmental considerations into operations and technology, AddUp encourages end users of AM technology to remain environmentally conscious and contribute to the overall sustainability of the AM industry.


For AddUp to participate in to support the defense and aerospace sectors in the USA, ITAR compliance and certification is vital. With ITAR registration and certification, AddUp can demonstrate that we adhere to strict regulations concerning the export and import of defense-related articles and services. This certification ensures that POC parts manufactured by AddUp are produced within a secure environment, safeguarding sensitive information and intellectual property. Potential buyers in the defense sector can trust that AddUp can handle sensitive projects in accordance with ITAR requirements, reinforcing confidentiality and security.


CMMC certification addresses the crucial aspect of cybersecurity within the USA. When producing POC parts, AddUp must protect sensitive data and ensure the integrity of critical information. With CMMC certification, AddUp can demonstrate to potential buyers that they have implemented appropriate cybersecurity measures to safeguard information related to defense contracts or other controlled unclassified information (CUI). This certification instills confidence in AddUp’s ability to protect buyers’ proprietary designs, ensuring the security and confidentiality of projects.

Supporting our Customers Through the Qualification Process

By holding these certifications, AddUp can effectively demonstrate to potential buyers the capabilities of our technology through POC parts. Once the POC application development is complete, these certifications allow AddUp to guide customers in qualifying their processes to meet the necessary standards. AddUp’s expertise, supported by these certifications, ensures a smooth qualification process by providing guidance on process control, risk management, traceability, documentation, and continuous improvement. Whether customers are producing medical parts in an ISO 13485 environment or flight-worthy hardware under AS9100, this partnership between AddUp and the customer fosters a collaborative environment that promotes adherence to industry standards, regulatory compliance, and the production of high-quality, certified parts.

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