Additive Intelligence 4.0 Conference 2024
Mar 12 - 13
Booth E01:05
Join us for the fourth edition of Additive Intelligence 4.0, as part of the Maintenance Trade Fair (Underhållsmässan) at the Swedish Exhibition and Congress Centre in Gothenburg.
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Unlocking the Full Potential of DED in Repair Applications
With Thomas Elcrin and Paul-Henri Barral
In this presentation we will talk about the challenges brought by repair operations performed with Additive Manufacturing and how AddUp’s Directed Energy Deposition Technology can lead to overcoming these challenges.
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Heat Exchanger
AddUp and Printsky join forces to increase the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of a new-generation heat exchanger.
Hydraulic Block
This hydraulic block was printed all in one piece, with a mass reduction of 82%.
Orano Manifold
Read how Orano was able to produce 16 parts and 36 mechanical test specimens with additive manufacturing at the same cost of producing 3 parts by machining.